Articles by Lance Cothern
How to Get Health Insurance Coverage Without Medicare
Learn how you can still get health insurance coverage if you're not eligible for full (or partial) Medicare benefits.
Lance Cothern
6 Ways You Can Set Up Savings for Your Grandchildren
Most grandparents love helping out their grandchildren when they can.
What Would Be Considered a Financial Emergency?
Building an emergency fund can take months or years of diligent saving. When it...
What You Need To Know About ABLE Accounts
Learn all about how ABLE accounts work for people who have disabilities and seek out tax-advantages for their healthcare expenses.
Lance Cothern
The Biggest Fees That Are Hurting Your Retirement Savings
Find out which fees are hurting your retirement savings the most -- and what you can do to avoid or minimize those fees for faster growth of retirement savings.
Lance Cothern
How to Withdraw Money From 401(k)s and IRAs During Retirement
If you’ve built a nest egg big enough for retirement, congratulations!
You may...
529 Plan vs. Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA): Which Is Better For Future Education Expenses?
Saving to help put your kids through college is an enormous task.
What to Do If Social Security Benefits Aren’t Enough for Retirement
Find out what you should do when Social Security benefits do not provide enough retirement income to maintain the lifestyle that you desire.
Lance Cothern
How to Get Health Insurance in Retirement and Minimize Medical Expenses
Find out how to obtain health insurance in retirement when employer-sponsored medical coverage is not an option. Compare Medicare and paid insurance options.
Lance Cothern
Should You Use Retirement Funds to Pay for College Tuition?
You were excited to share in your kid’s accomplishment -- until you saw the cost...