Articles by Simon Zhen
Funding Your Child's Start-Up: Pros and Cons
Simon Zhen
5 Biggest Entrepreneurial Mistakes
Listen up entrepreneurs: Right now might be the best time to launch a start-up, but...
Avoiding Charity Fraud in 7 Steps
Donating to a charity is a great way to give back to society. But your money might not...
A Basic Guide to Trust Funds
Simon Zhen
Identity Protection Tips Overview
Simon Zhen
5 Tips on How to Pay for Large Medical Bills
Visits to the doctor usually mean one thing: pain. Sometimes the thing that ends up...
8 Purchases You Should Not Buy Cheap or Used
The ever-growing popularity of buying ‘vintage,’ a.k.a. used items, is fueled by the...
Pros and Cons of Automatic Bill Payments
Simon Zhen
Negotiate the Mortgage Rate on Your First Home
Simon Zhen
What to do When You Lose Your Wallet?
The horrific panic that sets in as you are frantically looking around for your lost...